Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cave Exploring

In July we made a day trip to Blanchard Springs Caverns located in the Ozark National Forrest. What a beautiful place. Of course, the car ride was a little long for the boys. We heard, "How much longer? Are we there yet?" many times over but how sweet it was. We sure didn't complain because we knew this is precious time with our sweet boys that we will never get back. We sang songs (High School Musical-Sam's favorite) and told jokes (Ben read from his favorite joke book) and enjoyed the scenery along the way. I was a little concerned about how Sam may do once we were in the caves. I knew Ben would love it because he loves science. They both were so good and loved every minute of it. When the tour guides were going over the rules and they began talking about the handrails and how you shouldn't climb or swing on them, I just knew we were in trouble. If there is any kind of railing around Sam (our little monkey) is definitely going to climb and swing on them. But he didn't and was mezmorized by all there was to see. There were some steep inclines to walk up and down and the cement was really wet, so you can imagine how myself (fearful of heights) and Ben (just like his mother) faired at first. We were a little slow until we figured out our footing and we definitely used any handrail provided for us. I sent Sam walking with his father. Ben and I just held hands and walked along. Jeff and Sam never knew we were nervous. It was an unspoken for me and Ben-a silent bonding!!! Isn't great when you know your children so well you don't even have to talk about it. Just a hand squeeze can be enough. You definitely should take the time to visit this wonderful and beautiful creation of God's. It is truly amazing to see. I love these little day trips with my family. It is a time to get away from all the busyness of life and home and really be able to see all we have to be thankful for. I hope you enjoy the pictures of the caves.

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